Issues related to the education of the Roma in the light of the pedagogical press – Educational programs, plans and projects that support or hinder the integration of a community in a peripheral social position between 1978 and 1998

Principal investigator: Péter Bogdán

Period: 2015 - 2020

Research question and objectives:

The research examines, what policymakers, education experts, and representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations considered between 1978 and 1998 to be the most effective educational models and strategies, as they attempted to identify the teaching methods and environments that would potentially prove to be most effective in the education and socialization of the Roma.

According to the main hypothesis, Roma poverty has become ethnicized in the past centuries, which makes it difficult to separate the social and cultural aspects of the Roma problem. The research wants to find out whether extensive romological knowledge is indeed associated with progressive Roma models of education, and on the contrary, poor romological knowledge is associated with with destructive educational theories.

The research also examines whether assimilationist, segregationist, negligent, integrationist, multiculturalist and interculturalist Roma educational strategies, as well as other ideas appeared in the columns of the pedagogical journals within the twenty-year interval.

The analysis examines the following journals: Köznevelés [Public education] (1978-1998), Magyar Pedagógia [Hungarian Pedagogy] (1978-1998), Pedagógiai Szemle [Pedagogical Review] (1978-1990), Új Pedagógiai Szemle [New Pedagogical Review] (1991-1998), Gyógypedagógiai Szemle [Special Education Review] (1978-1998), Óvodai Nevelés [Kindergarten Education] (1978-1998), Pedagógusképzés [Teacher Training] (1978-1998), A Tanító/Tanító [Teacher] (1978-1998), Új Katedra [New Cathedra] (1990-1998), Iskolakultúra [School Culture] (1991-1998), Educatio (1992-1998).

According to the current results, the Roma content of pedagogical journals is as follows:

A Tanító/Tanító: 39 articles, Educatio: 67 articles, Gyógypedagógiai Szemle: 35 articles, Iskolakultúra: 116 articles, Köznevelés: 552 articles, Magyar Pedagógia: 16 articles, Óvodai Nevelés: 69 articles, Pedagógiai Szemle / Új Pedagógiai Szemle: 145 articles, Pedagógusképzés: 2 articles, Új Katedra: 88 articles.

The appendix of the dissertation will include, as far as possible, a bibliography of the Roma contents of the specialized journals being researched, which will facilitate further research of the examined pedagogical journals for the period 1978 to 1998. 

Research methods:

The research - using qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis - examines the extent of the romological knowledge, which was behind the proposed or imagined Roma education models and strategies during the twenty-year period.


Bogdán Péter, Cigánygyerekek a Köznevelés című folyóirat tükrében (1978-1982), [Gipsy children in the light of the Public Education journal (1978-1982)] ISKOLAKULTÚRA: PEDAGÓGUSOK SZAKMAI-TUDOMÁNYOS FOLYÓIRATA XXI:(6-7) pp. 61-70. (2011)

Bogdán Péter, Cigány gyerekek a Köznevelés című folyóirat 1983 és 1987 között megjelent cikkeinek tükrében, [Gipsy children in the light of articles published the journal Köznevelés between 1983 and 1987] REGIO 2015:(4) pp. 80-114. (2015)

Bogdán Péter, A romák oktatásának kérdései az iskolaelméletek összefüggéseinek tükrében 1978 és 1998 között, [Issues of Roma education in the context of school theories between 1978 and 1998] ÚJ PEDAGÓGIAI SZEMLE LXVII:(5-6) pp. 20-30. (2017)

Bogdán Péter, Issues of Roma Education in Light of Interrelations of School Theories between 1978 and 1998, HUNGARIAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL (HERJ) 7:(4) pp. 103-116. (2017)