Research on Roma communities

Project name Principal investigator Period Funding agency Participants
Moralities of dependent relations in the era of financialization: Rethinking dependence and livelihood among the marginalized in Hungary Judit Durst 2022-2025 NRDIO 143543 Balázs Gosztonyi, Márton Gosztonyi, Judit Juhász, György Málovics, Boglárka Méreiné, György Molnár, Zsanna Nyírő Gergely György Pulay, András Vigvári
The growing role of the churches in public education and education policy-making Eszter Neumann 2020-2024 "OTKA" postdoctoral excellence programme  
Roma population of Hungary and Transylvania in the 18th and 19th century. Roma population of Szeklerland in the 20th century Pál Nagy 2018-2022 Suptopic of the research Self-image construction of the Szekler Land in the 19th and 20th centuries (NRDIO K128848, Principal investigator: Nándor Bárdi)  
The adoption of Roma children in Hungary Nóra Kovács 2018-    
Completed research projects
Effect of state interferences and development acts on disadvantaged Roma community Cecília Kovai 2017-2020 NRDIO PD 121058   
Issues related to the education of the Roma in the light of the pedagogical press – Educational programs, plans and projects that support or hinder the integration of a community in a peripheral social position between 1978 and 1998 Péter Bogdán 2015-2020    
Changing state-church relations in Hungarian public education Eszter Neumann 2019-2020 CEU Institute for Advanced Study fellowship  
Researching Roma communities in the 21st century by modern research methods Ernő Kállai 2015-2019 CSS Incubator Programme  
Isolated at local level – or why the local social welfare programs don’t expand nationwide? Ernő Kállai 2015-2019   Jesuit Roma College
Ethnopolitical mobilization and Roma parties in Hungary and East-Central Europe Balázs Dobos 2012-2015 Bolyai Research Fellowship  
Methods for the analysis of factors influencing regional differences in the social integration of Roma in Hungary Ágnes Tóth 2010-2013   Ágnes Bartl, Mátyás Lajtai, Orsolya Eszenyi, András Morauszki
Demographic research on Romania’s ethnic minorities, 1977-2002 Attila Papp Z. 2009-2012 Bolyai Research Fellowship  
Identities and Modernities in Europe (IME) András Kovács 2009-2012 EU FP7 Anikó Horváth, Zsuzsanna Vidra
Ethnic differences in education and diverging prospects for urban youth in an enlarged Europe (EDUMIGROM) Mária Neményi 2008-2011 EU FP7 Margit Feischmidt, Csaba Dupcsik, Ferenc Erős, Ágnes Kende, Emília Molnár, Róza Vajda, Zsuzsanna Vidra
Changing discourses on the nation: identity and differences in the relation of Hungarian citizens to minority Hungarians Margit Feischmidt 2007-2011 OTKA K68973  
Expansion of knowledge centre functions and networking in the field of knowledge transfer  Attila Papp Z. 2015 TÁMOP-4.2.1/D-15/1/KONV


Ernő Kállai, Anna Fejős, Dezső Máté, Orsolya Keresztes-Takács, College of Szolnok, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Vállalkozásfejlesztő Alapítvány
School achievement and pedagogical added-values by the rate of Roma students Attila Papp Z. 2012