Project name | Principal investigator | Period | Funding agency | Participants |
Construction of the Székely self-concept in the 19th and 20th centuries | Nándor Bárdi | 2018-2022 | NRDIO K128848 |
Katalin Daczó, József Gagyi, Norbert Falusi, Tamás Gusztáv Filep, János Főcze, Eszter Kovács, Botond Nagy, József Nagy, Sándor Oláh, Judit Pál, Attila Papp Z., Andrea Sólyom, Enikő Szőcsné Gazda Pál Nagy: Roma population of Hungary and Transylvania in the 18th and 19th centuries, Roma population of the Szekler Land in the 20th century (subtopic) |
Forms of neo-nationalism from politics to popular culture | Margit Feischmidt | 2008- | Zoltán Ilyés†, Ildikó Zakariás | |
Completed research projects | ||||
Identity politics as a response to social conflicts | Margit Feischmidt | 2013-2017 | TK Incubator Programme | Balázs Majtényi, Andrea Szabó, Béla Janky, Eszter Bartha, András Tóth, Zsolt Körtvélyesi, Attila Papp Z., György Horváth, Kristóf Szombati |
Identities and Modernities in Europe (IME) | András Kovács | 2009-2012 | EU FP7 | Anikó Horváth, Zsuzsanna Vidra |
Changing discourses on the nation: identity and differences in the relation of Hungarian citizens to minority Hungarians | Margit Feischmidt | 2007-2011 | OTKA K68973 |