
Issue 2024/2 of REGIO was published

The full issue is available on the journal's website.

From the contents

Ideas in politics
    Political religion
    The "large governing party"

Population movements
    Plans of the Czech emigrantion in London to eliminate minorities
    Evacuation of Germans from Hungary, 1944
    The refugees of Karabakh

Returns 1938–1944
    Hungarian identity in the Banat
    Street name changes

Ethnic Aspects of the 2022 Hungarian Parliamentary Elections with Special Reference to the Slovene National Minority

Narodnostni vidiki parlamentarnih volitev na Madžarskem leta 2022 s posebnim ozirom na slovensko narodnost (Ethnic Aspects of the 2022 Hungarian Parliamentary Elections with Special Reference to the Slovene National Minority). A new co-authored article by Balázs Dobos, Attila Kovács (Institute for Ethnic Studies, Ljubljana), and Katalin Munda Hirnök (Institute for Ethnic Studies, Ljubljana) was published by the latest issue of the open access journal Treatises and Documents: Journal of Ethnic Studies, and is available at HERE.

An attempt at integration. The creation of the Hungarian minority society in Romania 1920-1940

Our colleague Nándor Bárdi's work O încercare de integrare. apariția societății minoritare maghiare din România,1920 - 1940 [An attempt at integration. The creation of the Hungarian minority society in Romania 1920-1940] was published in the series "Working Papers in Romanian Minority Studies" of the Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities in Cluj-Napoca. DOWNLOAD HERE