
Super Election Year 2024: 18th Serbian Political Science Association (SPSA) International Annual Conference

Balázs Dobos and Balázs Vizi will attend the 18th Serbian Political Science Association (SPSA) International Annual Conference titled "Super Election Year 2024" in the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade on 26-27 October. The titles of their presentations: Balázs Dobos: Electoral mobilization in minority council and parliamentary elections in Central and South Eastern Europe, and Balázs Vizi: Parliamentary Representation and Linguistic Minorities in Italy – Effective form of participation? The full program of the conference is available at HERE.

The Pendulum of Secularization and De-secularization: Nationalism, State-church Relations and Religious Education in Hungary and Slovakia

A joint historical comparative study of faith and morals education in Slovakia and Hungary by Eszter Neumann, Ondrej Kaščák and Zuzana Daniškova has been published. The study is published in the open access volume Educational Secularization within Europe and Beyond - The Political Projects of Modernizing Religion through Education Reform (edited by Mette Buchardt), available by clicking on the title.

Instruction and Education in the Service of Societal Welfare Conference

On 24 October 2024 Prof Attila Papp Z and Zsuzsanna Sütő will give lectures at the conference ‘Instruction and Education in the Service of Societal Welfare. Challenges of Education and Instruction in the Age of Crises’. 24th National Conference on Educational Science, organised by the Scientific Committee of Education, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Titles of their presentation:

Attila Papp Z.: The school achievement of non-migrant minority students in PISA

Zsuzsanna Sütő: Individual and institutional factors supporting immobility among minority and majority Hungarian higher education students in Central Europe

The relationship between the Unitarian Bishop Elek Kiss and Petru Groza

On 11 October 2024, our colleague Béni L. Balogh gave a lecture at the international conference "Churches and Minorities" organised by the Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities in Cluj-Napoca. The title of his presentation was "O prietenie sinceră. Relațiile dintre episcopul unitarian Elek Kiss și Petru Groza" ("A sincere friendship. The relationship between the Unitarian Bishop Elek Kiss and Petru Groza").

Reconciling habitus through third spaces

The article by Ábel Bereményi, Judit Durst and Zsanna NyírőReconciling habitus through third spaces: how do Roma and non-Roma first-in-family graduates negotiate the costs of social mobility in Hungary? published in Compare: A Jornal of Comparative and Interntional Education became open access.


This article explores how first-in-family-graduate Roma and non-Roma Hungarians from the working-class experience education-driven social mobility and reconcile the dislocation of their primary-habitus due to changing class through transiting a ‘third space’. Drawing on Bhabha’s and bell hooks’ development of this concept, we aim to unpack the different ways how class-changers, in moving between the social milieu of their origin and their destination, occupy a unique position between two fields. Their social position is described as one of social navigators with a bridging potential between social classes. We also investigate what part higher education plays in this distinct form of changing class and becoming incorporated into middle-class society through a third space for those academic high achievers who come from working-class families. Contrasting the experience of Roma with non-Roma first-generation graduates in Hungary, we draw attention to the different opportunities of reconciling conflicting class-related habitus along ethno-racial lines.

Opening of the House of Hungarian Culture in Berlin (1967-1973)

On 16 October 2024 Ágnes Tóth will give a lecture at the conference entitled Cultural Diplomacy - with the power of tradition, inspired by the present, organised by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, in connection with the 100th anniversary of the opening of the Collegium Hungaricum. Her presentation is entitled Aspirations - Conditions - Games. Opening of the House of Hungarian Culture in Berlin (1967-1973)