Research in Jewish studies

Project name Principal investigator Period Funding agency Participants
Research on Jewish cemeteries in Hungary Viktória Bányai continuous   Szilvia Kormos (independent researcher), István Balogh (Jewish Theological Seminary - University of Jewish Studies), Attila Marossy (website administrator)
Publication of the correspondence of Ignaz Goldziher with Immanuel Löw Tamás Turán 2023- Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Kinga Dévényi (Library of the HAS, Keeper of Oriental Collection)
History of ideas, religion and scholarship of Hungarian Neolog Jewry Tamás Turán      
Jewish Identities in Hungary from the End of the Eighteenth Century until 1918 Miklós Konrád (HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities Institute of History) 2022-2026 NRDIO K 143231 Viktória Bányai, Erzsébet Mislovics, Anikó Prepuk, Gábor Schweitzer, Máté Tamás, Zsuzsanna Toronyi
Holocaust survivor children in Hungary Viktória Bányai     Rita Horváth
Parchments of Memory - the Memorial to the Unknown Jewish Martyr in Paris 1956 Paul Gradvohl 2022-2026 Hungarian Jewish Museum and Archives (Budapest), Mémorial de la Shoah (Paris) Viktória Bányai, László Csősz, Kinga Frojimovics
Completed research projects
Jewish scout organizations: their history and memory Viktória Bányai 2018-2021 Jewish Heritage in Hungary Public Endowment András Lénárt (Holocaust Memorial Center), Eszter Gombocz (John Wesley Theological College), Kata Vörös (Jewish Theological Seminary - University of Jewish Studies), Bálint Szegedi (Scout Association)
Child Survivors of the Holocaust in Hungary: Orphanages, Schools, Memory Viktória Bányai 2019-2021 Association of Persecutees of Nazism, JDC Hungary Kinga Frojimovics (Wiener Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies), András Lénárt (Holocaust Memorial Center), Eszter Gombocz (John Wesley Theological College), Kata Vörös (Jewish Theological Seminary - University of Jewish Studies), Gábor Dombi (Jewish Theological Seminary - University of Jewish Studies PhD Student)
The Jewish Heritage of Szeged Vera Ábrahám, Dóra Pataricza 2017-2021 Rothschild Foundation (2018-2019); Interreg Danube Transnational Programme (2018–2021): REDISCOVER Viktória Bányai, Zsolt Urbancsok, Mercédesz Czimbalmos, Gabriella Kádas, Tamás Németh, Norbert Glässer
The Political Contexts of the Hungarian Jewish Congress (1868-69) and Split Tamás Turán 2019-2020    
Kinship and business. A Microhistory of a Jewish Family in the 19th Century Habsburg Monarchy Máté Tamás 2015-2020 PhD research  
Migration, Mobility, and Acculturation in the Jewish Community of a South-West Hungarian Town in the Mid 19th Century Máté Tamás 2018-2019 MTA-SYLFF  
Jewish education and children’s institutions in Hungary 1945-1956 Viktória Bányai 2014-2017 Bolyai Research Fellowship  
Jewish communities in territories annexed from Hungary Viktória Bányai, Szonja Komoróczy 2012-2013 Rothschild Foundation Csilla Fedinec, Veronika Gayer
Hebrew codex fragments in Hungary’s public collections Tamás Turán 2010-2015 OTKA NN79933 András Kövér, Judit Lászlók, Ágnes Tolnai
The history of Yiddish culture in Hungary Szonja Komoróczy 2009-2018    
Hebrew sources relating to the history of Hungary and of Hungarian Jewry       Viktória Bányai, Géza Komoróczy, Szonja Komoróczy