Call for papers for the conference Global Migration Processes and Hungary – Challenges and Responses

Call for papers for the conference

Global Migration Processes and Hungary – Challenges and Responses 

The conference will be held in Budapest at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on 16-17 November 2015 (Monday-Tuesday).

In the global migratory systems the European Union is an important but definitely not the most significant actor. EU countries can be divided into three categories concerning net migration and the dynamics of migratory processes. There are countries which do not send but receive migrants in large numbers. There are other countries which receive larger numbers of immigrants, but also send migrants to other parts of the EU or even beyond. And there are countries and regions, which provide huge number of emigrants without receiving people at comparable scales.

International migration has had significant impact on population processes in Hungary throughout its history. The current Hungarian migratory situation is determined by the fact that Hungary is in the periphery of the European Union, which is a relatively wealthy economic region, somewhat closed toward people living outside its borders, but open for internal migration. From this perspective it is clear that in the long run Hungary shall expect a larger rate of emigration, receiving immigrants at comparatively lower rates.

The conference aims at understanding demographic, social and economic causes and consequences of migration taking into account the interplay of local, regional and global aspects of the relevant processes. The conference also provides an opportunity to discuss the key analytical aspects and dilemmas of policy making related to migratory processes.

The organizer of the conference, The Centre for Social Sciences at Hungarian Academy of Sciences calls for papers which would discuss the local and regional tendencies in a global context. The papers that are selected by the organizers will be presented in English and in Hungarian language.

The following panels are planned:

1. Historical background of current migratory processes in Hungary and the region.

2. Demographic consequences of migration and the demographic and social characteristics of international migrants.

3. Key developments in the crisis areas and their impact on international migration (with a special focus on the Middle East, North and Central Africa).

4. The economic and labor market causes and consequences of immigration and emigration in Hungary.

5. Legal dilemmas in regulating migration internationally or on the level of nation states.

6. Local and global implementation of integration policies in Europe.

7. Legal, political and civic responses to the refugee crises in and outside Europe.

8. Interactions between diaspora politics, nation building and migration processes.

9. Changes of social attitudes about immigration and asylum – xenophobia in Hungary.

10. Effects of migration processes on intercultural relations. The ’crisis of multiculturalism’: public discourse or social fact?

11. Economic, political and cultural organization of Hungarian diaspora communities, and immigrant communities in Hungary.

200-300 word long abstracts of the proposed papers should be sent to the following email address: until 25th September. The results of selection will be available by 15th October. Presentations should not exceed 15 minutes which will be followed by a 10 minute discussion. The organizers intend to publish the papers.

The advisory board of the conference: Szelényi, Iván – President; Hárs, Ágnes; Melegh, Attila; Nagy, Boldizsár; Örkény, Antal; Sik, Endre; Tóth, Judit; Tóth, Pál Péter

The organizing committee: Kováts, András – President; Feischmidt, Margit; Kovács, Nóra; Janky, Béla; Papp Z., Attila

In case further information is needed, please contact

Kováts András
