Угорсько-українське пограниччя: етнополітичні, мовні та релігійні критерії самоідентифікації населення: монографія / The Hungarian-Ukrainian Borderlands: Ethnopolitical, Linguistic, and Religious Criteria of Self-identifi cation of the People: a Monograph / [resp. ed. Ivan Pater; Comps.: Oleh Muravskyi, Mykhailo Romaniuk]; NAS of Ukraine, I. Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies. Lviv, 2020 [2021]. 348 p.
The collective monograph deals with the ethnopolitical and sociocultural issues on the Hungarian-Ukrainian borderlands in historical retrospect. The features of the formation of the modern Ukrainian-Hungarian border are considered, as well as the process of its creation in the historical and social memory of the local population. The research comprehensively reveals the reception of the border in daily practices of the residents, investigates the linguistic, ethnographic, and religious criteria of self-identifi cation of the local population, analyzes the dynamics of international relations on the modern Hungarian-Ukrainian border. For historians, political scientists, linguists, and everyone interested in the contemporary history of Ukraine.
The full text is available at HERE.