Issue 2024/4 of REGIO was published

The full issue is available on the journal's website.


Community - Health

Zsuzsa Bokor: Public Health and Ethnicity in Transylvania in the Interwar Period

Melinda Orbán: Pulmonary and venereal diseases care institutions in Transcarpathia (1938−1944)


Péter Vukman: Everyday Life Conficts. Hungarians and South Slavs in the Baja Triangle (between October 1944 and 1956)

Ildikó Zakariás - Nora Al-Awami: Language teachers from Central and Eastern Europe teaching German for refugees and migrants in Austria

Roundtable: The Impact of Transnationalisation, Hungarian Citizenship and Kin-State Policy on Hungarian Minority Communities


Tamás Turán: „Scholarship has no country, but the scholar does have his country”: Ignác Goldziher in 1919


Zsombor Csata, Attila Papp Z.: „The Institutionalization of Ethnic Economy among Hungarians in Romania and Slovakia” – Final Research Report


Andrea Juhász: „It seems to be a contradiction in terms, but that is what our life in Transylvania is all about”

Boka László (szerk. és összeállította): Transzilvanizmus. Eszmék, korok, változatok. Budapest: MMA Kiadó, 2023. 544 oldal

Krisztián Manzinger: Dependent?

Sárándi Tamás: Függőben – A román kisebbség helyzete Észak-Erdélyben (1940–1944). Kolozsvár: Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület – Kriterion Könyvkiadó 2023. 656 oldal [20. század]

Balázs Dobos: Emphasis and Integration: Modes of Parliamentary Representation of Minorities

Farkas György Tamás: Kisebbségek és a választójog. Budapest: Gondolat, 2024. 484 oldal