Kristóf Tamás Szombati

Kristóf Tamás Szombati
Download CV Research Fellow (TK KI)
Research Interests

racism, far-right movements and ethno-politics in Central and Eastern Europe; the political economy of illiberalism, the governance of poverty and ethnic difference in particular; qualitative methodologies

Selected Publications

2022. (forthcoming) “Sozialdarwinismus unserer Zeit: Der Aufstieg einer neuen Rechten aus der Krise des semi-peripheren Neoliberalismus”, Stefan Wellgraf & Christine Hentschel (Hrsg.) Rechtspopulismus: Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Leipzig: Spector Books.

2021. “The consolidation of authoritarian rule in rural Hungary: workfare and the shift from punitive populist to illiberal paternalist poverty governance”, Europe-Asia Studies, 73(9): 1703–1725.

2020. “From Neoliberal Disembedding to Authoritarian Re-Embedding: The Making of Illiberal Hegemony in Hungary”, International Sociology, 35(6): 721–738. (co-author: Gábor Scheiring)

2018. The Revolt of the Provinces. Anti-Gypsyism and Right-Wing Politics in Hungary. Berghahn: New York & Oxford.

2017. “Understanding the rise of the far right from a local perspective: Structural and cultural conditions of ethno-traditionalist inclusion and racial exclusion in rural Hungary”, Identities, 24(3): 313–331. (co-author: Margit Feischmidt)

Work in Progress

Building the ‘work-based society’: State-enabled grassroots clientelism and the re-establishment of order in present day Hungary (co-authors: Cecília Kovai, Gergely Pulay)