Balázs Vizi

Balázs Vizi
Download CV Research Professor (TK KI)
Research Interests

human and minority rights in international law, European integration and minorities, ethnopolitics

Selected Publications


Nagy, Noémi - Anneliese Rieger-Roschitz - Vizi, Balázs – Bengt-Arne Wickström: Language (re)vitalization - What characterizes a sensible policy? Language Problems and Language Planning (47):2 pp. 113-135. (2024)

Vizi, Balázs: NTA and International Minority Rights In: Andeva, Marina; Dobos, Balázs; Djordjević, Ljubica; Kuzmany, Börries; Malloy, Tove H. (szerk.) Non-Territorial Autonomy : An Introduction. Cham, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023 pp. 49-64.

Tove Malloy – Vizi Balázs (szerk.): Research Handbook on Minority Politics in the European Union. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2022.

Edgár Dobos – Noémi Nagy – Balázs Vizi: Inclusion and mobility in the multilingual region of Vojvodina: At the intersection of international minority rights law, state policies and local realities In: Grin, François; Marácz, László; Pokorn, Nike K. (szerk.): Advances in Interdisciplinary Language Policy. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company (2022) pp. 88-107.

Vizi Balázs (szerk.): Magyarország és szomszédai. A kisebbségvédelem kérdései a kétoldalú szerződésekben. (szerk. Vizi Balázs) Budapest, MTA TK Kisebbségkutató Intézet - L'Harmattan Kiadó, 2021.

Vizi, Balázs: European Integration and Minority Rights Conditionality Policy In: Balazs, Vizi; Norbert, Toth; Edgar, Dobos (szerk.) Beyond International Conditionality : Local Variations of Minority Representation in Central and South-Eastern Europe. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2017 pp. 51-78. (ISBN:978-3-8487-3067-4)

Vizi, Balázs: Territoriality and Minority Language Rights INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON MINORITY AND GROUP RIGHTS (ISSN: 1385-4879) (23):4 pp. 429-453., 25 p. (2016)

Tove Malloy, Alexander Osipov, Balázs Vizi (szerk.): Managing Diversity through Non-Territorial Autonomy: Assessing Advantages, Deficiencies and Risks. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015.

Vizi Balázs: Európai kaleidoszkóp. Az Európai Unió és a kisebbségek. Bp., L'Harmattan, 2013.

Vizi, Balázs: ‘Hungary: a model with lasting problems’ in: Bernd Rechel (ed.) Minority Rights in Central and Eastern Europe. London, Routledge, 2009. pp. 119-134.

Research Projects

The effectiveness of minority self-governance in Central and South Eastern Europe (NKFIH K143523, 2022-2026, principal investigator: Balázs Dobos)

Legal approaches to operationalize nationality and ethnicity (NKFIH K134962, 2020-2024, principal investigator: Pap András László)

Completed research projects:

Bilateral Treaties and Minority Protection in Central and South-Eastern Europe (NKFI - K120469, 2016-2019, principal investigator)

ENTAN - European Non-Territorial Autonomy Network (COST Action 18114, 2019-2022)

MIME - Mobility and Inclusion in a Multilingual Europe (EU FP7 project no. 613344)

The theory of multi-level governance and the practice of minority self-governance in Central and Eastern Europe (HAS Bolyai Research Fellowship, 2009-2012)

Minority Language Rights in the Multilingual European Integration (HAS Bolyai Research Fellowship, 2013-2017)

Minorities’ rights to participation in public affairs in Europe (OTKA K105432, 2012-2016, principal investigator)

Work in Progress

Minority issues and the European Court of Human Rights (Routledge History of the International Protection of Minorities, 1919-2001 – to be published in 2025)