European Association of Social Anthropologists szeptemberben tartotta kilencedik biennális konferenciáját az angliai Bristolban

Az antropológus szakma legnagyobb európai szervezete, a European Association of Social Anthropologist szeptemberben tartotta kilencedik biennális konferenciáját az angliai Bristolban. A konferencia címének - Európa és a világ - megfelelõen azt a célt tûzte a résztvevõk elé, hogy az antropológia és az etnográfia módszereivel vizsgálat tárgyává tegyék napjaink legfontosabb társadalmi és politikai folyamatainak egyikét, az Európai Unió bõvítését, illetve terjeszkedését és viszonyát az Unión kívüli világhoz, a spontán népességmozgás folyamatait, és az európai társadalmak átalakulását a bevándorlás következtében.

Részlet a konferencia témáját kijelölõ felhívásból:

Europe and the World, the specific title of our gathering, provides us with an opportunity to reconsider these ideas close to home and far away: Europe, inevitably, has set part of the epistemological background of our everyday working lives, and, has both for good and for bad, had profound wider influence. The rest of the world, the recipient and the partner in this exchange, may watch, interact, protest, suffer and readapt. We invite you to consider this from the point of view of your fieldwork, writing, analytical perspective, and experience.

From this plethora of possibilities, delegates are invited to consider some of the following further specific areas, upon which there will be invited workshops. Amongst these are 'Asylum Seekers and Undocumented Persons'; 'The Black Atlantic'; 'Diasporas and Migrant Labours'; 'Unification of Europe'; 'Museums and the Colonial Past'; 'Medical Anthropology, Europe and the World'; 'Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter Revisited'; 'Ambivalent Europeans'. There will also be three plenary sessions, on 'Markets and Cultures'; 'Colonial Legacies'; and 'Diffusion, Religion and Secularism' respectively, and a round table specifically on 'Eastern Europe as a field of anthropological enquiry'.

A munka négy plenáris szekcióban és 102 párhuzamos szekcióban zajlott négy napon keresztül. A plenárisok Európa birodalmi múltját, az európai multikulturalizmus válságát, a transznacionalizmus jelenségeit, vallásosság új formáit egy szekularizált környezetben tárgyalták. Érdekes kerekasztal beszélgetést hallhattak a résztvevõk az antropológiai oktatás és kutatás kelet-európai intézményesítésérõl, és az ott dolgozó kutatók esélyeirõl, lehetõségeirõl a nyugat-európaiak által dominált akadémiai és publikációs piacon. A beszélgetést Michal Buchowski kezdeményezte és vezette. Részt vettek benne mások mellett Michael Stewart és Kürti László is.

Az alábbiakban az összes szekció címét tartalmazó táblázat található.

IW01 Refugees, asylum seekers and 'irregular migrants' in Europe: regional and local responses

IW02 Writing anthropology: genres and cultural translation

IW03 Reassessing the Black Atlantic

IW04 Diaspora and migration

IW05 European unification: anthropological perspectives

IW06 Museums, anthropology and the representation of the colonial past

IW07 Medical anthropology, Europe and the world

IW08 Anthropology and postcolonialism

IW09 Encounter with Michael Banton

W001 Transgression as method and politics in anthropology

W003 Feeling and curing: senses and emotions in medical anthropology

W004 Europe in Africa – Africa in Europe: Borut Brumen Memorial

W005 Islands of Doom, Islands of Bliss: revisiting maritime places of conquest and exploitation, pleasure and consumption

W006 Ethnographies of medical encounters between Europe and Asia

W007 Interrogating diaspora

W008 The self as ethnographic resource

W009 Policy worlds

W010 Comparing local Thatcherisms

W011 Super-diversity in European cities and its implications for anthropological research

W012 Changing economies and changing identities in post-socialist Eastern Europe

W013 Understanding media practices

W014 Anthropology and the politics of multiculturalism (a friendly merger of W014 & W030)

W015 Muslim diaspora, Euro-Islam and the idea of the secular

W016 'Oppression' and 'security': the moral ambiguities of protection in an increasingly interconnected world

W017 Problems of continuity and change

W018 Bringing Europe down to earth: reconfigurations of politics and development

W020 Peace and conflict studies in anthropology

W021 Responses to insecurity: securitisation and its discontents

W022 Violence and memory

W023 Towards an anthropology of medically unexplained symptoms

W024 Transferring anthropological methods, theory and experience to applied health research

W025 Refractions of the secular: localisations of emancipation in the contemporary world

W026 Attributing meaning to health and illness: the interaction between the local and the global

W027 Anthropological perspectives on biopolitics and sovereignty in Europe and the world

W028 Spirits going global: translocal aspects of spirit beliefs and practices

W029 Anthropology of citizenship(s): comparing conceptions and analysing changes from Europe

W031 New perspectives on 'European' Christianity

W032 Public knowledge: redistribution and reinstitutionalisation

W034 Europe and the War on Terror

W035 The everyday life of revolutionary movements

W036 Rethinking ritual kinship

W037 Investigating the city spectacle in a globalising world

W038 Turning back to the 'Mediterranean': the Mediterranean Voices project

W039 New mediators: culture, policy and practice in electronic governance and government

W040 Reflexive transformation and religious revitalisation: perspectives from Southeast Asia

W041 Eastern boundaries, money and gender: exploring shifting locations of identity and difference on the European peripheries

W042 European discourse gone global: shaping the lives of people worldwide and being shaped by them

W043 European integration: an anthropological gaze

W044 Futurities, on the temporal mediation of landscapes.

W045 Locating flexibility in Europe and the world

W046 Bringing local knowledge into development: progress, problems and prospects

W047 Understanding welfare and well-being in a globalised world

W048 Reflecting on reflexive anthropology

W050 'Odysseus on the Shore of Ithaca': contemporary return migrations

W052 Childhood between kinship and the state: changing practices and ideologies of care

W053 Westernising gender regimes? Discourses and practices in Eastern Europe

W054 Informal child migration and transnational networks of care

W055 The public memorialisation of death: spontaneous shrines as political tools

W056 Lived Europes – lost Europeans?

W057 Formal and informal economies in a global world

W058 Moral journeys: manifestations of certainty and uncertainty across Europe

W059 Landscapes for life: integrating experiential and political landscapes

W060 Strategic uses of colonial legacies in postcolonial encounters

W062 Dance, Europe and the ethnographic encounter

W063 Ethnographies of non-state governance: socialities, orders and expertise

W064 The idea and the image of Europe in the world

W065 Cultures of voting: ethnographies of the secret ballot

W066 Different manifestations of identities and space in a global context

W067 Transnational religious networks and their European emplacement

W068 Corporeal vision

W069 Emotional attachments in a world of movement

W070 Transitions: movements in space and time

W071 World Anthropologies Network: transforming the terms of the conversation

W072 Changing approaches to fieldwork in India in the age of globalisation

W073 Applied anthropology: the old and the new

W074 Neither here nor there: locating and identifying Europe

W075 The internationalisation of African-American religions

W077 The theory and practice of European kinship

W078 When the worst happens: anthropological perspectives on crises and disasters

W080 The world strikes back

W082 Anthropology of biopolitics and moral choices

W083 Early European women anthropologists

W084 Global migration and the borders of Europe

W086 The global character of minority questions in the new Europe

W087 The loss of cosmopolitanism

W088 One hundred years of European anthropology in and on the Middle East: 1900-2000

W091 Ethnographies of knowledge

W092 Learning as context, process, imagination, virtuality, emotion and cognition

W093 Culture, context and controversy

W094 Migration and cultural change in Europe

W095 A WCAA debate: the public image of anthropology

W096 Cinema, mind, world: toward a new methodology in the uses of cinema for anthropology

W097 Anthropology and genetic disorders: patients, technologies, cultures

W098 Policy and practices of health care in a migrant context

W099 Violence and the state

W100 Eastern Europe as a field of anthropological enquiry (roundtable)

W101 Poster session

W102 Migration and Europe

(F. M.)