Konfliktus és együttmûködés Közép-Európában


(Political culture, minority rights and inter-ethnic relation in Central Europe)

The project contains two important parts: one is an international conference at the University Miskolc (3-4 of November 2006), the other is the editorial work of the conference’s chapters in two volumes from the Central European Political Science Review. We would like to analyze the possibilities of the cross-border co-operations, and the background of the conflicts, the facts, the causes and the processes of political intolerance in the Central European Region. After the discussions we would like to offer proposal for collaborations for intellectuals and political leadership of the region. The paper-givers are intellectuals from academic life and policy-makers, from Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania and Serbia.

The topics of the conference:

From one side we would like discusses about the attitude of nations toward other nations, from the other side the attitude and behavior of nations to minorities and immigrants. In the conference we would like to analyze from one side the possibilities of the cross-border co-operations in the civil society, and from the other side the roots of the conflicts, the facts, the causes and the processes of political intolerance in the Central European Region. After the discussions we would like to offer proposals for collaborations, for intellectuals and political leadership of the Central European countries.

The main objects:

Contribute to strengthen the relationship, understanding and the exchange of information between the intellectuals of Visegrad countries. We choose Miskolc, from one side because the city is close to the Slovak, Ukraine and Romanian borders, from the other side, there are the greatest universities of Hungary and in the education of students the peaceful political dialog of the nations has great importance.

The participants of the conference:

We will invite to the conference 15 paper-givers and 200 participants. The paper-givers are from Hungary (Miskolc, Budapest, Szeged, Debrecen), Slovakia (Bratislava), Poland (Warsaw), Czech Rep. (Ceské Budejovice), Romania (Oradea, Arad), and Serbia Novi Sad.

Central European Political Science Review:

The quarterly English Central European Political Science Review is the only one political science of the region.  The papers of the conference would be published in two special issues (cca. 250 pages in 1000 sample/ issue).

A konferencia helye:
MTA Miskolci Területi Bizottságának székháza

Miskolci Egyetem Politikatudományi Tanszéke

MTA Miskolci Területi Bizottsága
MTA Politikai Tudományok Intézete

Hosszú Hortenzia (Miskolci Egyetem Politikatudományi Tanszék) 00-36305350942



3 November (Friday)


  • Hosszú Hortenzia a Miskolci Egyetem oktatója, EU szakirányfelelõs, házigazda
  • Fazekas Csaba a Miskolci Egyetem BTK dékánja
  • Simon János a Miskolci Egyetem Politikatudományi Tanszékének vezetõje


  • George Schöpflin (Hungarian MEP)
    Majorities and minorities in Central Europe: a continuing political relationship
  • Krzysztof Zagorski (CEBOS, University of Warsaw)
    Polish public opinion about the Germans and Russians
  • Silvia Mihalikova (Comenius University – Bratislava)
    Slovaks attitudes toward the Hungarians
  • János Simon (University of Miskolc)
    Citizen’s perceptions about friends and enemies in Hungary

Book presentation
A politikus Antall József az európai úton (Antall József Alapítvány. 2006.)
Bemutatja: Antall Péter tudományos igazgató




  • Lia Pop (University of Oradea)
    The challenges for Romanian gipsy minority in the new Europe
  • Viera Kaganova (Comenius University of Bratislava)
    The Situation of the Roma Minority in Slovakia
  • Jan Misovic (South Bohemia University, Èeské Budìjovice)
    Czechs, Slovaks and Hungarians – a historical relationship
  • László Zoltán Szabó (University of Miskolc)
    Non-English Speaker Minorities in USA - the concept of Huntington
  • Hortenzia Hosszú (University of Miskolc)
    Some international lessons of the coexistence

4 of November (Saturday)


  • Szilágyi Zsolt (Reformat University of Oradea)
    A székelyföldi autonónia lehetõségei és korlátai
  • Diósi Viola (University of Novi Sad)
    A vajdasági magyarok jogai és a tartományi autonómia lehetõségei
  • Erdélyi Claudia (SLTV - TV Slovakia, Pozsony)
    Néhány megjegyzés a slovákiai Magyar kisebbség és szlovák többség viszonyáról
  • Kiss Gábor (Antall József Foundation)
    A nemzetiségi és kisebbségi jogok garanciái az Európai Unióban
  • Veres Edit (Antall József Foundation, University of Miskolc)
    Együttélés és konfliktus magyarok és cigányok között Borsodban
  • Boros Bánk (University of Miskolc)
    Tolerancia és intolerancia a futball-meccseken
  • Szabó Krisztina Mária (University of Miskolc)
    Az intolerancia és forrásai: ellenség- és a gonosz-kép a Bibliában
  • Patkó Edina (University of Miskolc)
    Tolerancia és intolerancia katolikusok és protestánsok között
  • Zárug Péter Farkas (University of Miskolc)
    Örmény túlélés és együttélés Magyarországon

12.30-12.45. ZÁRSZÓ
Simon János, a Politikatudományi Tanszék vezetõje