Szakmai tanácskozás

Managing linguistic diversity in the EU: Practices and Regulations. Expert Seminar, September 19, 2009


Organised by the Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Conference Centre "it Aljemint"
Fryske Akademy/ Mercator Research Centre
Leeuwarden/ Ljouwert, the Netherlands

Programme contact
Gabriella Kovács, Research Institute for Linguistics / HAS
T (36-1) 351-0413
Cor van der Meer: Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning / Fryske Akademy
T 0031 (0) 58 234 30 63

Saturday, September 19, 2009

09.00 - 09.10
Prof. dr. Reinier Salverda
(Director, Fryske Akademy)
 Welcome speech

09.10 - 09.20
István Kenesei
(Director, Research Institute of Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Opening Address

09.20 - 09.40
István Horváth
(Docent, University Babes-Bolyai & National Institute for Minority Research)
 Minority language policies and their effectiveness in Romania 1990-2008

09.40 - 10.00
Dieter W. Halwachs
(Professor, Graz University)
The situation of Romani as a European language

10.00 - 10.20
Gizella Szabómihály
(Chair, Gramma Language Office)
Slovakia from an international perspective

10.20 - 10.40
Neasa Ní Chinnéide
(President, EBLUL)
 A 19th century law for a 21st century Slovakia

10.40 - 11.00

11.00 - 11.20
Coffee break

11.20 - 11.40
Tomasz Wicherkiewicz
(Professor, University Poznan)
Language situation and language policy in Poland - recent developments

11.40 - 12.00
Sabine Kirchmeier-Anderson
(Director, Danish Language Council)
 Legislation and language – recent trends in the Nordic countries

12.00 - 12.20
Alex Riemersma
(Researcher, Mercator Research Centre)
Development of Language Policies in the EU, the case of Friesland

12.20 - 12.40
Balázs Vizi
(Research Fellow, Institute for National & Ethnic Minorities, HAS)
 Linguistic diversity and/or protection of minority languages in Council of Europe instruments

12.40 - 13.00


13.00 - 14.00
Lunch break


14.00 - 16.00 
Roundtable discussion

Moderator: Sabine Kirchmeier-Anderson



16.00 - 16.30
Conclusions, recommendations and closure

16.30 - 17.30
Informal getting together with drinks