Hungary's Neighbors as Kin-States. Political, Scholarly and Scientific Relations Between Hungary's Neighbors and Their Respective Minorities.

Hungary's Neighbors as Kin-States. Political, Scholarly and Scientific Relations Between Hungary's Neighbors and Their Respective Minorities.

Hungary's Neighbors as Kin-States. Political, Scholarly and Scientific Relations Between Hungary's Neighbors and Their Respective Minorities. Edited by Csilla Fedinec. Hungarian Science Abroad Presidential Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 2016.

The political transition in Hungary in 1989 led to political, economic, and social changes; with the emergence of the basic idea in public opinion that the borders of the Hungarian nation do not coincide with the Hungarian state borders, and that the Hungarians living outside the national borders are also part of the Hungarian nation. 
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences took its share of this process. The 2009 amendments of Act XL of 1994 on the Hungarian Academy of Sciences included the issue of Hungarian science in the ethnic Hungarian regions abroad in the range of the Academy’s public duties in the following wording: the Academy “shall liaise with scholars living abroad who pursue research in Hungarian and on Hungarian topics, and shall support Hungarian science in the ethnic Hungarian regions”. Thus, liaising with an effort to support Hungarian science in the ethnic Hungarian regions abroad is a public duty that the Academy set forth in law. 
Twenty years ago the Academy’s “Hungarian Science Abroad Presidential Committee” was set up to represent these issues. This 20th anniversary is a good occasion to evaluate and confirm further priorities.
It is also important to recognize that the academies of the neighboring countries have similar experiences. Building on this, we try to show what the academies, which are similar institutions in all the neighboring countries, are doing in order to promote Central European cooperation and the scientific ambitions of their own minorities. In the papers to follow, we will present the activities and networks of the academies of Hungary’s neighboring countries except Austria, and their various scientific institutions working outside the academic structure, which are similar to the national scientific program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and which have the same opportunities and character. We will outline the relationship between the science and scholarship of a kin-state and its ethnic minorities abroad, the role of minorities in the science policy of the neighboring countries, their historical background, methods of providing support and funding, and their similar research programs. 
In this booklet we summarize the activity of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences concerning Hungarian scholarship and science abroad and present summaries of the more or less similar activities of the neighbouring countries.

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