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Judit Durst and Veronika Nagy
Transnational Roma Mobilities: The Enactment of Invisible Resistance
Transnational Roma Mobilities
Patrick Ciaschi: Around and Around: The Politics of Mobility in Everyday Lives of Roma in current day Hungary
Raluca Bianca Roman: Roma Mobility, Beyond Migration: Religious Humanitarianism and Transnational Roma Missionary Work as De-Constructions of Migration
Juan F. Gamella: Marriage, Gender and Transnational Migrations in the Fertility Transitions of Romanian Roma Women. An Ethnographic Case Study
Andreea Racles: Walking with Lina in Zamora. Reflections on Roma’s Home-Making Engagements from a Translocality Perspective
Ana Nichita Ivasiuc: Social Mobility and the Ambiguous Autonomy of Roma Migration
Stefania Pontrandolfo: Social Mobilities in the Transnational Migration of Romanian Roma to Italy
Alexandra Clave-Mercier and Martin Olivera: Inclusion and the ‘Arts of Resistance’. How Do Roma Migrants Develop Autonomy in the Context of Inclusion Policies?
Joanna Kostka: No Country for Poor People: The Case Study of the Romanian Roma Migrants in Poland
Book Reviews
Gutekunst, M., Hackl, A., Leoncini, S., Schwarz J.S., Gotz, I. (eds.) 2016. Bounded Mobilities. Ethnographic Perspectives on Social Hierarchies and Global Inequalities. Bielefeld: Transcript. by Toni Pranic