The Institute for Minority Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the European Centre for Minority Issues agree on a Memorandum of Understanding.


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Ukrainian legislation on national minorities

Our colleague Csilla Fedinec will give a plenary lecture entitled "A brief overview of Ukrainian legislation on national minorities, with special reference to Hungarian-Ukrainian diplomatic relations" at the international conference "Ukraine and the European Union: the development of relations in the light of the Russian-Ukrainian war, electoral processes and the rights of national minorities", which will take place on 4-5 October 2024 at the Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine.

How churches make education policy - Eszter Neumann's paper in Religion, State, Society

A paper by Eszter Neumann was published in the Q1 journal Religion, State and Society. The article analyses the educational policy narratives of church policy makers, how they formulate strategies for Christian social mission and how they talk about the impact and role of churches in maintaining and reducing educational segregation.

You can read the open access article here.


Since 2010, Hungary’s authoritarian populist government has radically redefined church-state relations, promoting the governance narrative of building an ‘old-style Christian democracy’. Public education has been reconceptualised within a religious framework and outsourced to religious actors. This article explores how key religious organisations engage with the government’s religious populism and govern their expanding school networks. Given the immanent tension between nativist Christian-conservative identity politics and Christian teachings about the church’s social mission, I focus on how Christian church elites have engaged with the education of underprivileged communities. Four characteristic types of strategic involvement are identified based on church education policies and their legitimacy discourses concerning their (lack of) engagement with the social question. Despite using different approaches to navigate political pressures, both the nativist illiberal and inclusive liberal visions of religion and their corresponding policies have reinforced the structures of segregated education and legitimised the government’s education policy.

Fates in communist prisons

Fates in communist prisons

Our colleague, Réka Marchut will give a lecture on September 27, 2024 in Badacin (Romania) at the conference Destine frante in inchisorile comuniste (Fates in communist prisons). The title of her lecture: Procesul lui Iuliu Maniu si anii de inchisoare din perspectiva maghiara (Iuliu Maniu's trial and prison from a Hungarian perspective). The full program is available here.