The Institute for Minority Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the European Centre for Minority Issues agree on a Memorandum of Understanding.


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The Hungarian-Ukrainian Borderlands: Ethnopolitical, Linguistic, and Religious Criteria of Self-identification of the People: a Monograph

The Hungarian-Ukrainian Borderlands: Ethnopolitical, Linguistic, and Religious Criteria of Self-identification of the People: a Monograph

Угорсько-українське пограниччя: етнополітичні, мовні та релігійні критерії самоідентифікації населення: монографія / The Hungarian-Ukrainian Borderlands: Ethnopolitical, Linguistic, and Religious Criteria of Self-identifi cation of the People: a Monograph / [resp. ed. Ivan Pater; Comps.: Oleh Muravskyi, Mykhailo Romaniuk]; NAS of Ukraine, I. Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies. Lviv, 2020 [2021]. 348 p. The collective monograph is available at HERE.