Solidarity with asylum seekers. State, society and education in comparative perspective

Feischmidt Margit, Zakariás Ildikó, Morauszki András és Zsigmond Csilla szerzőtársaikkal részt vesznek a Polányi Károly Globális Társadalmi Tanulmányok Kutatóközpont április 3-ai hibrid workshopján.

Előadásuk címe és absztraktja: Solidarity with displaced people from Ukraine in Hungary: attitudes and practices. Based on a population survey from the summer of 2022 the presentation draws an ambivalent picture of Hungarian civil society in the context of the war against Ukraine. First, it highlights the exceptional momentum and mobilizing power of civil solidarity both in terms of practical involvement and expressed attitudes. At the same time, the results also reveal the limits and vulnerabilities of civil solidarity: its exposure to populist political discourses, which cherish or condemn moral economies of assistance according to its vested interests, as well as its embeddedness in a neoliberal reliance on citizens’ individual resources (disposable time and material means), and salient inequalities in sharing the burdens of humanitarian support. Facebook esemény.