The Institute for Minority Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the European Centre for Minority Issues agree on a Memorandum of Understanding.


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Transcarpathia-Ukraine geopolitical roundtable discussion

Csilla Fedinec will participate in the Transcarpathia -Ukraine geopolitical roundtable discussion in the framework of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Regional Science Association, organized on the occasion of the Day of Hungarian Science on 2nd November 2023 in Pécs, Hungary, 

More information about the event can be found here.

The Ukrainian Civil Volunteer Movement during Wartime (2014–2022)

The chapter by Csilla Fedinec was published in the open access volume by CEU Press titled Ukraine's Patronal Democracy and the Russian Invasion (The Russia-Ukraine War, Volume One) edited by Bálint Madlovics and Bálint Magyar


The Russia–Ukraine War has been going on since February 2014, starting after Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity (i.e., Euromaidan) in the winter of 2013–2014. The latter event also marks the birth of a new civil volunteer movement in Ukraine. In the chapter four phases of the development of this movement will be discussed. After a brief description of the “state domination” phase (1992–2013) and the definitions of civil activism in the Ukrainian legal context, the second phase of “political activation” follows with the Revolution (2014). The third phase starts in February–March 2014, with the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, and also involves the subsequent war in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine, collectively named Donbas (other terms used by the Ukrainian government, foreign institutions, and media publicity include, from April 2014, the “Anti-Terrorist Operation – ATO zone”, and from February 2018, the “Joint Forces Operation – JFO zone”). This period already marks the entry into total defense, with the state “catching up” and to a large degree substituted by the activities of the civil volunteer movement. While the birth of the movement during Euromaidan meant social mobilization after the previous large degree of immobility, this phase of total defense involved elements of both mobilization and co-optation by the state and oligarchic actors. The final phase started on February, 24, 2022 with the full-scale Russian invasion. In this period, we can see an active volunteer movement alongside formal state mobilization, with the state and society co-operating in their heroic effort to counter Russian aggression.

Internierung der aus der Kriegsgefangenschaft heimkehrenden Personen deutscher Nationalität (1950-1953)

(DE) In der neuste Episode der Online-Vortragsreiher der LdU hat Ágnes Tóth über die Internierung der aus der Kriegsgefangenschaft heimkehrenden Personen deutscher Nationalität gesprochen.

(EN) Ágnes Tóth gave a lecture about the internment of ethnic Germans returning from captivity in the latest episode of the online lecture series of the National Self-government of Germans in Hungary. 

Minority Elites Yesterday and Today Conference

The Forum Institute in Somorja (Šamorín) is organising a conference entitled Minority elites yesterday and today in Révkomárom (Komárno) on 12-13 October 2023. The conference will also include presentations by our colleagues:

Nándor Bárdi: The relationship between Fidesz and minority elites

Zsombor Csata: Ethnic aspects of management dilemmas among minority economic elites.

The language of the conference is Hungarian.

The conference programme is available here.