ASN Europe 2023. Reframing Nationalism and Populism in the Context of Securitization: Political Struggles and Scholarly Debates

Balázs Dobos, Margit Feischmidt, András Morauszki and Balázs Vizi will attend as paper presenters and commentators in book panels the 2023 European conference of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) in Cluj between 6-8 July. The full programme of the conference is available at HERE.

Panel 3: Dilemmas and institutions of intragroup mobilization
Myra Waterbury: The Minority’s Minority: Pluralism and Resistance within National
Minority Communities
Ágnes Kiss: The "Hungarian interests”. The informal model of minority interest
representation and the limits of resistance in Ceaușescu’s Romania
Balázs Dobos: Levels of electoral mobilization in minority council and parliamentary
elections: Evidence from Central and South Eastern Europe
Chair: Tibor Toró
Discussant: Levente Salat

Panel 5: Monitoring Hungary's kin‐state policies
Péter Balogh: Kin‐state aid, dual citizenship, and international conflict in the Ukrainian‐
Hungarian borderland
András Morauszki: In Good Times and in Bad Times. Grant Application Strategies of
ethnic Hungarian Organizations in Slovakia and Romania
Gyöngyi Schwarcz: Extraterritorial nation‐building via EU funds
Tamás Szabó: Salt office or a real forum for the representation of minority problems?
The analysis of the effectiveness of the Hungarian‒Romanian Joint Committee on
National Minorities
István Gergő Székely: Some dilemmas regarding Hungary’s mail ballot system from the
perspective of the transborder Hungarian communities
Chair: Irina Culic
Discussant: Ovidiu Oltean

Panel 6: Book panel on the Research Handbook on Minority Politics in the European
Union (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022) edited by Tove H. Malloy and Balázs Vizi
Participants: Tove H. Malloy, Balázs Vizi, Ljubica Djordjević, Balázs Dobos, Levente Salat
Chair: Vello Pettai

Panel 14: Book panel on Non-Territorial Autonomy. An Introduction (Palgrave
Macmillan, 2023) edited by Marina Andeva, Balázs Dobos, Ljubica Djordjević,
Börries Kuzmany and Tove H. Malloy
Participants: Ljubica Djordjević, Tove H. Malloy, Levente Salat, David Smith
Chair: Balázs Dobos

Panel 18: Migration Turn in CEE
Margit Feischmidt: Dilemmas of deservingness in current solidarity spaces
understood in the context of migration turn in Hungary
Attila Melegh: Migration turn in Eastern Europe
Aziz Berdiqulov: Russian “Relocants” and Afghan Refugees in Tajikistan –
not Everyone Equally Welcome?
Luis Escobedo: How Romanian media constructed the racist Transylvanian
Tamás Kiss: Revisiting Ditrau
Chair: Zsuzsa Csergő
Discussant: Irina Culic, Attila Melegh

Panel 21: Presentation of the Intersections. East European Journal of Society
and Politics (Intersections.EEJSP) journal
Participants: Zsolt Körtvélyesi, Margit Feischmidt