The Institute for Minority Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the European Centre for Minority Issues agree on a Memorandum of Understanding.


Latest news

Meeting of researchers and developers for the Hungarian third sector

The HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences and the NIOK Foundation will organise a workshop entitled "Meeting of researchers and developers for the Hungarian third sector" on 9th September 2024 from 13:00, where Margit Feischmidt will give a presentation entitled "Is there a local turn in solidarity? Institutional and policy lessons from NGO assistance to refugees from Ukraine". She will present the recent results of the research project "Work, values, hope in spaces of solidarity. The possibilities and limits of transformative solidarity in Hungary". The programme of the workshop is available here.

The Life and Work of Immanuel Löw conference

The Szeged Jewish Community, the National Rabbinical Seminary – Jewish University, and the University of Szeged are organizing an international academic conference between 4th and 6th September in Szeged titled "The Life and Work of Immanuel Löw." The conference will be held primarily in Hungarian, with some sessions in English. 

Our colleagues, Viktória Bányai and Tamás Turán will also give lectures at the conference.

The conference programme and further information can be found here.

Book presentation is Miercurea Ciuc and Târgu Mureș

The books published by Kriterion Publishing House as part of the research programme of the Institute for Minority Studies of the HUN-REN CSS will be presented on Friday, August 30, 2024, in Miercurea Ciuc, at 18:00 at the Kájoni János County Library and on Saturday, August 31, 2024, in Târgu Mureș, at Teleki Teka, at 11:00.

Gagyi József „Villanyos és közössége. Villamosítás, modernizáció: történet a Nyárád-mentén (1945-1989)

Sárándi Tamás „Függőben. A román kisebbség helyzete Észak-Erdélyben (1940-1944)

Kovács Eszter „»Egy kis figyelmesség«. Informális hálózatok és gyakorlatok a Gyergyói-medencében (1970-1989)

Hullóidő. Székely identitásépítés a 19-20. században

Participants in Miercurea Ciuc: József Gagyi, Sándor Oláh, Tamás Sárándi, József Nagy, Eszter Kovács, Andrea Sólyom, Nándor Bárdi and Lázár László Lövétei. In Târgu Mureș the authors accompanied by Lóránt László, Zoltán Novák and András Vajda.